PAUL SUN-HYUNG LEE | Bitterasiandude™
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Photo credit: Steve Blackburn YYZ Events


My name is Paul Sun-Hyung Lee.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself…

I'm an award winning actor, writer and comedian who lives in Toronto with my wife, two sons and big dumb dog. I've won two consecutive Canadian Screen Awards (2017, 2018) for Best Lead Actor, Comedy as Appa in CBC's #1 hit comedy, "Kim's Convenience", the Toronto Theatre Critics Award for Best Actor, and been nominated for ACTRA, Dora Mavor Moore, Betty Mitchell and Calgary Theatre Critics Awards for Outstanding Performance. I know. Total yawn fest: brag much?

Here's something cool about me: I love building replica props, I have a passion for anything geeky, I'm into Star Wars, Star Trek (yes, they can co-exist), Ghostbusters, Aliens, gigantic robots, BTTF, Goonies, Indiana Jones... pretty much all of the cool stuff from the 80's.

Ooh, and I LOVE movies. Collecting them on Blu-ray especially - because I'm old school and prefer physical discs to streaming (which is annoying because they haven't perfected it yet).

I am also a long suffering Toronto Maple Leafs fan and a die hard Jays fan too. Come at me.

I believe in letting your geek flag fly and following what makes you happiest. In being passionate. In investing in your craft and yourself. 

So be kind. Be humble.


Much love and respect,



For all bookings, contact:

Michele Charlton

at Meridian Artists
