Be Excellent.

Paul Sun-Hyung Lee_press room_CSA 2018_Photography by Steve Blackburn YYZ.jpg

I always tell young actors of colour:

We have to work five times harder than everyone else because even though we have few chances to succeed, we have even fewer chances to fail. So in order to continue, we have to knock every opportunity we get out of the ball park. That's the gig. It's not fair. In fact it's really shitty, but that's the way it is. 

For now.

So I say to them: be excellent. Be excellent at what you do. Be so excellent your talents cannot be ignored. Learn as much as you can about your craft from every moment you're on set, or in rehearsal, or watching another actor perform. Learn. Be bold in your choices. Be fearless. Go to places that will surprise you. Work your ass off. Be prepared. Be professional. And above all else, be kind and humble. Humility and kindness are the strongest attributes you can have and will serve you more than you can imagine in this crazy, exhilarating journey.

The times are changing.

Our stories, our narratives, our voices are starting to be heard.

When our opportunity comes, let's be ready to shine.
